Most of my posts on here deal with the trials we are going through with our oldest daughter Madison, but today I am going to introduce our youngest into my blog.
Camryn Belle Weston <3 1/18/13
She is the baby, and we wanted her so badly :)
So that is her newborn pic, with Bentley and Madison :)
Madison came to visit me in the hospital when she was a day old and accidently passed RSV. Cammy Belle started out pretty tough. Honestly she has been pretty good nothing I couldn't handle, but always has been different then our other children. At 3 months she started having tremors, and she was put on medication, but after seeing what the medication was doing to her we quickly decided we could deal with the tremors but not her being a "zombie baby" with no emotion and she had lost her smile. Up until Sept she was doing great, no tremors or anything out of the ordinary.
She learned how to pull herself up, and the trouble began.
She would stand up, about 5 minutes later fall, and after picking her up she would look sleepy. For the first couple times I didn't think anything of it so I just put her down to bed.
Im a medical assistant so I didn't really notice much out of the ordinary and felt it was okay at the time, but then she did it at her grandma's house.
I was doing my clinicals for my degree so Grandma watched her mon-thurs. When I went to pick Cammy up her Grandma was really worried and asked if I had notice it. I told her that I just put her to bed but I would keep her awake next time. Twice she did it and snapped out of it pretty quick but I too was then worried for Cammy. I called the neurologist so suggested this was not a seizure and could not help.
One Sunday after church she did it again, but this time was different. for 25 minutes her eyes were rolling in the back of her head, she was limp no jerky movements but she was turning blue. I immediately called her Grandpa who lives pretty close and is a Physician.
As he arrived she was still in this thing ( I do not know what to call it)
She had no reflexes, no response to anything, including her pupils.
After a little while she just popped out of it, literally just rolled over and crawled away.
Monday I got a call saying she did it again and was in an ambulance on her way to the hospital.
You can tell in her eyes something is wrong, I held her, sat in her crib and was by her side every second.
She just sad there a lot, breathing but no smiles or wanting to move.
We would watch a lot so I would put a different quote each day. Love this one!
Unfortunately the hospital could do nothing for us, so we were transported to the University of Iowa
We took walks and tried to stay positive!

We were later send home with inconclusive results, and what ever it was stopped... or so we think
She's growing like a weed!
Something extraordinary happened with this amazing baby. My 3 kids, and mother in law drove down to Dallas for a great visit with my family. My mother in law went to her brothers in Ft Worth and I went to Dallas with my mom, grandma and bubby and uncle. The second day we were there I ventured out on my own with the kids and took them to the Temple, may I say you people have a beautiful Temple. Mine is Nauvoo and I was sealed in Logan, I wish I could've done a session, but maybe next time. Before leaving my husband gave me a blessing to discern choices regarding our trip and our children.
She started acting funny, again. Getting weird rashes, eyes rolling in the back of her head, but this time I was alone, my husband was not there. I could never find a second priesthood holder to bless my sick child. Within 5 minutes I decided to drive home 3 days early, and accepted we may not be able to get her a blessing, I wasn't sure if she would make it home without having to stop at a hospital, but I was going to try, I needed to get my baby home. I was in Ft Worth picking up my mother in law who was inside packing. I was freaking out in the drivers seat, so desperate for a blessing, but the temple was out of our way. Five or Ten minutes went by, I looked up and could see in the sliding glass door of a neighbor across the way. There stood a man in a suit, and I knew that it was a missionary. My heart was so full and I was in complete shock, I got out of my car and ran and looked into the door, normally I am not like this but I was so desperate, I seen the name tag and began to cry, and screamed in the door to please come out. The missionaries were just beginning a lesson. The owner came out and I begged to please see the missionaries, I told them I was a member and out of state that my daughter was so sick and needed a blessing, all while sobbing. The owner invited my daughter and I into their home and we sat down. Elder Espinoza anointed and Elder Johnson gave the most beautiful blessing I have ever heard, and in the middle he began to cry along with me. Today I finally called, Elder Johnson cannot talk on the phone because of his hearing, but I did get their emails. After the blessing I thanked them for being worthy to do such a great deed for my daughter, to me they are hero's, and sent for a reason. That appointment was no mistake. It took for me to choose all decisions correctly being lead by Heavenly Father to receive that blessing.
She can be a little stinker sometimes, but What a great testimony builder of how our Heavenly Father loves us each individually, and listens to our troubles no matter how big or small, and with his guidance we are lead to help, or to an answer. She had a fever for 4 straight weeks ranging from 101-105, and on two different antibiotics which didn't help. Went to a hospital three hours away from home, but with another blessing and much prayer she is once again better :)
You are such a brave momma. I can only imagine what you're going through and pray I never have to do that with my own children. I'm glad she's doing better for now and hope it keeps getting better and they figure out what's wrong with her soon!